Who are we?
St Anne’s Baptist Church consists of a wide range of different people, from all ages and different backgrounds. Whoever you are, you are assured a very warm welcome here.
When to arrive:
If it’s your first visit then it’s probably best to turn up a few minutes early to get used to the building. If you are driving then you’ll be pleased to hear that there is free parking in the church car park and also on the streets near to the church. For directions to reach us please see the map on the side bar. You’ll be greeted on the door by one of our welcomers who if you wish will help you to find a seat, explain where the toilets are and about accessibility if appropriate, and answer any questions you might have (See also Accessibility below).
What to wear:
Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. We are an informal church and accept people as they are. There is no need to dress up to try and be someone that you’re not.
What to expect:
To help avoid any worries here’s a quick summary of what you can expect. We currently meet in the Hall beneath the Sanctuary and start our gathering at 11.00am when we spend time worshipping God. This time consists of modern and traditional songs played on a variety of instruments/media, readings from the Bible and prayers. Any words that you need are usually projected onto a screen at the front. Then we have a message from the Bible that is relevant and meaningful to our modern lives. Often the bullet points of the message are projected onto the main screen.
We usually finish our meeting about 12.00noon (12.15pm when it is communion – which is usually on the first and third Sunday of the month) and then have tea and coffee. Our aim is that whether you are just looking into Christianity for the first time or have been a Christian for many years that you should be encouraged and inspired by the morning. We hope that everyone will be drawn closer to God.
Sunday Services in February 2025:
2nd Gus Eyre (Communion)
9th David Boadle 16th John Sanderson (Communion)
23th David Cooper
Communion is for adults and children who sincerely love our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. If you have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as your own personal Saviour and Lord you are still welcome to stay during this important part of the service but we ask that you do not take the elements (bread and juice).
Note: We use pre-packaged individual cups of the bread wafer and juice which are supplied on entry.
Church Prayer and Bible Study:
Thursday afternoons at 2pm.
Here at the Church. (Studies in Acts of the Apostles)
Friday Club (5-6.30pm):
For Primary School Aged Children – every second Friday of the month
Here at the Church.
(For more details click on “New Developments”)
What we believe:
We are a Christian church and believe that all can have a relationship with God. We believe this relationship with God is only possible because of Jesus (God’s only son) who invites us to follow him. Please find out more about what we believe by reading our full statement of faith.
Is it just Sundays?
Absolutely not! God is with us all week long and we aim to lead lives pleasing to him. We’re not perfect people, but we desire to make a positive difference in everything we do.
We aim to be an inclusive church. We have access for wheelchairs including a platform lift down into the Church Hall as well as an accessible toilet.
Want to know more?
Have a look around on our web pages or better still visit us in person.
Please ring the church office on 01253 720099 for more information.
(Note the office is not permanently manned, but has an answerphone and someone will ring you back. Please speak slowly and clearly – avoid leaving a rushed message/phone number).